Biography: Bernhard Mann
Statement of the Problem: The Research purpose is the question - asked by the German-Japanese Society for Social Sciences, Germany (2018) - how democracy could be improved. Is there a chance to strengthen democracy by promoting the health of the population (F.W. Schwartz, 2015)? Important are tree questions: how to strengthen the system of health, how to promote the awareness of health and how to come from health as a thinking way to well-being as a living way (R.A. Mall, 2015) Are there facts which are showing these structures and processes in the context of the German History of Public Health?
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: A qualitative research with analysis of the literature and phenomenological observations: the WHO definition of health and 38 aims of health could explain the strengthening of the health system and awareness, focusing in the concept of resilience and salutogenese (A. Antonovsky, 1997).
The history of Public Health started in Germany in the 19th century with the development of social medicine and social rights. It has been interrupted by the destroying fascism (1933-1945) with race medicine, euthanasia and the power of Authoritarian personalities (T. Adorno, 1973). Since the 80th there is a new creativity in Public Health, supported by universities and politics, realized as health economics, health psychology, health sociology, health management, especially occupational, and a conciousness of the need of democracy to be buildup by fit people. Modern Public Health is an important concept for the social construction of health and the protection of democracy.