Mikal Finkelstein
CapraCare, Inc., USA
Dr. Mikal Finkelstein is on the board of Directors and serves as medical director for CapraCare, a Haitian relief organization. Dr. Finkelstein has a deep commitment to advancing health equity in low resource settings with a particular focus on maternal child health. She has worked in private practice in NYC and has also had global public health experience in Haiti, Africa and Central America. She is a Pediatrician and Supervising Physician in the School Based Health Program at Morris Heights Medical Center in the Bronx, NY. She has also served as a consultant to UNICEF in Health Systems Strengthening and Health Equity. Dr. Finkelstein earned a Doctor of Medicine degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Master of Public Health at New York University. She completed her medical training at New York University Medical Center and Bellevue Hospital.