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Tomoko Tachibana

Tomoko Tachibana

National Institute of Public Health, Japan


Tomoko Tachibana has her expertise in research and passion in improving the health and wellbeing. Her research on regional models for progressing toward establishment of a “Disability Registry,” using the Clinical Efficacy Database creates new pathways for improving health and welfare policies for PDs. She has been building this model over years of experience in clinical medicine, research, evaluation, teaching and administration in hospitals, public health centers and an education institution. For supporting independent decision-making and activities by PDs, and putting into practice evidence-based health and welfare policies for them, she has been advancing research to promote accumulation and utilization of epidemiological evidence data which are needed for policy evaluation, cooperation between medicine and welfare, etc. The National Institute of Public Health, whose mission is to carry out human resources development and to conduct research in public health, was established in 2002, integrating The  (former) N IPH, etc.


Abstract : Improving regional information accessibility in terms of support for people who have difficulty communicating