Ni Ketut Aryastami
NIHRD Ministry of Health, Indonesia
Title: Stunting can be corrected during childhood alcohol treatment for women
Biography: Ni Ketut Aryastami
Statement of the Problem: Growing short has been started in the womb of malnourished mothers, indicated by having low birth weight and grew in deviation curve. Critical window of growth taken place at first 1000 days of life. This study was conducted to investigate the influence of early growth, towards the growth of pre-puberty’s period. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: The study design was retrospective, utilizing Indonesian Family Life Survey panel data of 1993, 1997, and 2000. Study population was Indonesian households covering 13 out of 27 provinces in 1993 for the representativeness of urban-rural and national. Sampel was children, age 0-2 years old at the baseline, followed up at age of 4-6 and 7-9 years (pre-puberty). The data analysis was done for Multivariate Logistic Regression. Findings: Early child growth was appointed growth of pre-puberty. Factors related to stunted at early life was poverty (OR=1,78; 95%CI=1,06-2,99), urban settlement (OR=2,92; 95%CI=1,74-4,90), as well as poor hygiene and sanitation (OR=1,84; 95%CI=1,10-3,09). Short at age of 4-6 years is related to short at early age (OR=3,73; 95%CI= 2,160-6,343). Early growth and growth pattern of stunted (S) and normal (N) at early age of 0-2 years (02) and age of 4-6 years (46) showed, 77,1% of 02S_46S stayed stunted (OR=27,43; 95%CI=11,68-64,43). As much as 59,5% of 02N_46S experienced growth faltering becoming stunted (OR=14,00; 95%CI=5,95-32,95). Children who were 02S_46N account for 84,3% grew normally (OR=1,48; 95%CI=0,55-4,00; p=0,441) at pre-puberty. Growth improvememnt of these subjects were generally supported by the economic improvements. Conclusion: Stunting can be corrected during childhood. Efforts on stunting intervention should be focused at the first 1000 days of life, and if necessary be followed up until age of five years. Cohort and Multi-center studies are needed to better understand the problems and factors related to stunting specifically at the pocket areas in Indonesian situation.