Kunda Mendhekar
Health Service Group , Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited ,India
Title: Screening for non-communicable disease risk factors at a workplace in corporate organization, Delhi. India
Biography: Kunda Mendhekar
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) account for two-thirds of all deaths globally. Health Check up camp and Health Tips have the requisite expertise to initiate and lead NCD risk factor screening and prevention programmes. The workplace can provide an ideal setting for Health check up camps to screen for risk factors and implement prevention programmes.
This study was designed to identify the common modifiable risk factors for NCD among employees of a corporate institution.
A cross-sectional study of NCD risk factors was conducted in corporate institution , Delhi, India. Employees were evaluated using the World Health Organisation STEPS Instrument (Steps I and II). The prevalence of risk factors were expressed as frequencies and percentages.
A total of 1086 employees (response rate 36.2%) participated in the study. Poor dietary habits, suboptimal blood pressure, Random Blood sugar level and physical inactivity were identified as the most common modifiable NCD risk factors in this population.
Knowledge of NCD risk factors can be used by Health care workeres to implement health promotion programmes in the workplace as a means of reducing NCD-related economic and social burdens in organization.